Rising 18 year old alternative Indie artist ‘Keeper’ releases brand new single ‘Made of Glass’.
Why did you get into Music ?
“I got into the music world at age 10 when I got my first guitar, then later I started to write what I feel on a paper. Things that didn’t seem right to me, actually it started form a girl who used to be a true friend, but things always change.
Some said I am writing to run away from thoughts, but actually I am writing to get more connected to my thoughts”.
What is your new single about ?
“The song name is ‘Made Of Glass’, it symbolises something that can be easily broken. In this song I’m mainly talking to myself while at the same time I’m talking to someone. This song means a lot to me”.
What was the inspiration or feeling behind the lyrics ?
“The song is actually a story, it begins with “keep a distance from you” and leads to “it’s too late to check your hands” – first I know I should keep a distance, I know the danger but then somehow I find myself so close to the danger, what happens next you will decide from the lyrics. In the chorus I’m showing misunderstanding and apathy”.
“I won’t tell you why ’cause I don’t know how you felt it way too hard and deep, I don’t wanna care ’cause I lost you where you were taking your last step…”
Tell us about your song creation process ?
“First I made the melody, I play some chords on the guitar which fits to my feelings at the moment, like every other song of mine it starts with a guitar. Then I wrote the lyrics, the easiest part for an over thinker, my brother helped me, he is always supporting I could do nothing without him. After I spent days of practicing and learning the song I’m ready to record.
How did you produce the single ?
“This time I decided to produce an electronic deep style, I record, produce and publish myself at home, with some recording equipment, yes I’m working alone for now. Every instrument that is used in the playback was chosen wisely”.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fourkeepersounds/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS5PsZU2CxE
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-241329960/made-of-glass-soundcloud-official-audio