
Common and Kind touch the soul with new song ‘Human Kind’

Common and Kind was born on the 24th of June 2016. Inspired by divisive events in the UK, USA and across the world, Common and Kind’s founder Michael Solomon William’s Facebook post went viral instantly galvanising people across the world.

Two days later he wrote the song Human Kind  featuring quotes from Jo Cox (More in common) and John Donne (No man’s an island) and just weeks later  it was recorded live by hundreds at the end of an extraordinary concert at the Union Chapel  London. 

Since then  choirs and solo artists across the world sent in recordings of the song. The result is a phenomenal collaboration between countries  communities and cultures.

The song features star soloists from an huge range of genres including Cassidy Janson (Carole King in Beautiful  the Carole King Musical) , US soul sensation Jonathan Hoard , Bengali folk star Saida Tani , opera star Sarah Connolly , guitarist Mark Lettieri  , bassist Michael League and pianist Bill Laurence among nine members of multi Grammy-winning jazz fusion stars Snarky Puppy.

Choirs participating from across the world including Pihcintu  an incredible chorus combining refugees from Cambodia, China, Congo, El Salvador, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Vietnam, West Indies and Zambia,  the Vietnam Miracle Choir  Barazina Youth Choir from Northern Ireland and many more.

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The single ‘Human Kind’ was released surrounding the anniversary of Jo Cox’s funeral with worldwide distribution from Universal Music Operations on 16 June 2017.


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